Friday, December 5, 2008


I realize in the past I have used this blog to post interesting things.
I'm still going to do this.
It's just I'm also going to post things about my life on here too. Like about my day and stuff.
I'm going to start with today :)

Before School:
I woke up like onn time (7:30, bla!) but right before I woke up I had this really weird/crazt dream. Like I was in Twilight, and I was Bella ans stuff, and looked like her/me combined, but everyone else was from the office, like Edward was the tie-guy (I've only seen a few episodes, so I don't know their name's) and Alice was the chair-girl. And when I met Edward, I was like"Wow, your Edward Cullen!? You look like Tie-guy." (Because apparently I had heard of Edward befor meeting him.) And he was like"Yeah" Andyway, past this it gets a little foggy, but I remember Edward saying "Pale, and sparkly we stand, werewolfy we fall" a lot. But alas, (did I seriosly say alas??) I woke up and had to go to *cry* school. Oh! And I had this egg for breakfast and it was yummy. Just thought you needed to know this.

1st Period (AKA Science)
We had a test thing about the different parts of a cell, what they do, what they are, where in the cell they are, etc. I'm pretty sure I won't ever need it in my life, but whatever because it was easy (and I hate to say it, but it was acually really interesting) Then, Mr. J (who, FYI, is the most awesome teacher in the entire world. I mean he is really really awesome! And that is a tuff feat coming from me. I grade my teachers harshly :) hee hee, just kidding. Then we talked about this fundraiser we are doing to raise money for Madagascar, we are going to sell teeshirts. It seemes fun and there are definitly a few shirts that I want.

2nd Period (AKA Math)
Bla. This has to be the most boring class in my whole schedual (not counting Spanish, but that's not boing, I just think the teacher sucks, like she acts like a sub!) anyway, absolutly nothing happened. Nothing, the only thing worth mentioning was the Friday Song of Awesomeness. And that's not even part of math class, it just happens during that period. The Friday Sond of Awesomeness is when everyone in our entire grade gets into a clump and we all sing the Friday Song, which goes "It's friday, it's friday, hip hip horray it's friday all day, YEAH!!" It sounds retarded and little kiddie, but it's not, it is pure awesomeness!

3rd and 4th Period (AKA Core)
Pretty much nothing of intrest happend. It wasn't that it was boring (like math) it just was that nothing really happened. We did work, and that was it. But we did get into a heated disscussion about if the US was a empire. I was pretty much like, what? no! the whole time. Because when you think of empires, you think of Rome, and really do not like Rome *pictures a really long Roman numerals and shudders* That's right. I hate an entire empire, time period, whatever, becuase of it's number system. Sorry, but Roman Numerals are just stupid and... scary. No laughing!!!!

Lunch and Recess.
Today's lunch and recess was really boring... almost nothing happened. Except that Emma had Nutella and I had to hold it a little bit while Emma tried to get some of her perfectly white jacket. And I was not allowed to eat it, which is a form of tortue. Anyway, to get me not to eat it, I was to pretend I was Edward and the Nutella was Bella. When I had to give the Nutella back to Emma, she ate it. So I dubbed her James/Victoria. Oh! I also learned that if you poke a hammer head shark in the nose, it wont be able to see and get really confused. Don't ask me how I found this out (JK!)

5th Period (AKA Spanish)
Pretty much nothing, because we did almost nothing, we tooka quiz that took me 5 minuits, and the rest of the class 30, so that was half the period. Then it took about 20 minuits to settle down enough to do anything, so we only had 10 minuits of acual working. I did find out that Jack R. is an a** (excuse my language, but it is the only word that could possible decribe him. Enough said.

After School
I have yet to find out what exciting (I wish) things will happen now.



Kirsten Miller said...

Why can't you eat Nutella?

Anonymous said...

Hi Undiscovered Universe! :) I checked out your blog. ;)

Ren @ All By Myshelf said...

Your dream sounded really funny. I can never remember what my dreams are about after I wake up. They'll be really vivid and right before I actually wake up I think I'll actually be able to remember it... but then I wake up and the whole thing is gone. :(

"Pale and sparkly we stand, werewolfy we fall." Seriously funny. Probably the funniest Twilight related thing I've ever heard/read. :)